2008 ILDA Awards

In late 2008, ILDA changed the year-numbering system for awards. This change means there are no awards called the "2008 ILDA Awards." ILDA went directly from the 2007 ILDA Awards to the 2009 ILDA Awards.

This does not mean a year was skipped or missed. It only means the year-numbering system was changed.

Why the change was made

Early in ILDA's history, the entry deadline, judging period, and awards presentation all took place in the same year. Typically, the entry deadline was 31 July, judging happened in early fall, and awards were presented at the November conference. This worked fine.

However, by the mid-2000s, the entry deadline was in one year, but the judging and presentation was in the next year. For example, the 2007 ILDA Awards covered shows done primarily in 2007 (the entry deadline was 17 December 2007). The entries were judged in spring 2008, and the Awards were not presented until the Conference in September 2008.

The problem was that getting a 2007 award in September 2008 seemed like "old news", even though it was the most recent ILDA Award.

To solve this problem, the Awards Committee decided to have the ILDA Award year match the presentation year. Thus, the 2009 ILDA Awards, presented in June 2009, covered shows done primarily in 2008.

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