ILDA is governed by a five-member Board of Directors elected by the membership. Elections are held during the Business Meeting, which is part of the annual ILDA Conference.
Brian Gonzalez, ILDA President
Term expires at the 2025 meeting
Derek Garbos
LaserTech Canada, Inc.
Term expires at the 2026 meeting
Roberta McHatton
Laser Safety Services, US
Term expires at the 2025 meeting
Horacio Pugliese
LaserNet, US
Term expires at the 2026 meeting
Christopher Short
Individual Member, US
Term expires at the 2026 meeting
You can write to individual Board Members by searching the ILDA online directory for their name (or if they are not the company contact, search for their company's name).
If you want to write to all Board members at once, use this address:
David Kumpula
From the ILDA Bylaws: "The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence, notifications, and other communications as requested by the President or Executive Director. The Secretary shall handle requests for general membership information and shall, accordingly and upon such request, be responsible for disseminating such information. The Secretary shall assist the Executive Director and host company in coordinating annual General Membership Meetings."
Photo courtesy Mike Gould
The Executive Director is hired by the Board to run ILDA's day-to-day operations. In most cases, if you have an issue or question, you should first contact the Executive Director.
Patrick Murphy
Past Executive Directors
David Lytle: Aug. 2003 - Jan. 2006
Page Howard: ? 2002 - Aug. 2003
Linda Hare: Nov. 1994 - ? 2002
Barbara Inatsugu: Aug. 1986 (ILDA's founding) - Nov. 1994
Committees do much of the work of the association. For a list of committees and contact information, click here.
The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the Association’s long-term financial stability while fulfilling the association’s strategic mission.
ILDA’s Bylaws — and especially Section VIII, Board of Directors — sets forth the official description of the ILDA Board’s qualifications, election and duties.
In addition, here is a general list of the Board’s responsibilities:
While some of the Board responsibilities listed on this page may sound like hard work, Board service is also very rewarding.
You'll broaden your horizons by interacting with a variety of companies and people. You'll be able to shape important issues within ILDA and the laser display industry -- one person can make a difference! And you'll have a better feel for the laser show business, which will spill over into your own day-to-day business.
Consider running for the Board and joining a distinguished list of past and present industry leaders!
2024 Nominations are closed. The deadline has passed to be nominated to run for the Board. These instructions are left here for historical reference.
The nomination deadline is 4 am EST (New York time) on Thursday, 19 September. This is one week before the start of the Business Meeting to be held at the 2024 ILDA Conference in Wrocław, Poland.
Three Board seats for election: For 2024-2025, there are three Board seats that will be voted on. The seats are currently held by Theo Petrides, Horacio Pugliese and Christopher Short. Any qualifying ILDA Member can run for these seats. Also, the current Board members can run for re-election if they wish.
President is elected from the Board: Once the 2024-2025 Board is elected, then the President is elected from Board members who wish to run for President. So to become President, first you would have to be elected to the Board, then agree to run for President, and finally be elected as the top Presidential choice.
Any ILDA Member meeting Bylaws requirements may run for the Board of Directors. All three of these qualifications must be met:
1. The candidate must be an ILDA Member. Specifically, the candidate must be an ILDA Individual Member, or an owner or full-time employee of an ILDA Corporate or Nonprofit Member company, at the time of the election. Hobbyist and Student Members cannot run for the Board.
2. The candidate, or his/her Member company, must be a Member of ILDA during the past two Membership years. This means the current Membership year (year in which voting takes place) and the previous (most recent in the past) Membership year.
3. The candidate, or his/her Member company, must be in good standing within ILDA. This means 1) all dues and any other outstanding transactions with ILDA are paid and up to date, and 2) the candidate's Membership has no issues with the Ethics Committee.
You may nominate yourself to run for the Board, or you may nominate another Member. The nomination must be emailed before or on the deadline listed above. The nominated person does not have to be present at the Business Meeting held 26 September during the ILDA Conference in Wrocław, Poland.
To nominate yourself or another person, simply send an email to ILDA, with your name, the name of the nominee, and a brief statement (500 word maximum) describing why the person being nominated would be a good Board member. You may also wish to provide a headshot-type photo to go with your statement.
If you have run before in recent years, ILDA may already have your past statement and photo. Contact ILDA to see if we have this and if you want to update it.
If you are nominating another person, we ask that you contact them first to be sure that they want to run and serve on the Board.
Candidate list and statements
After the 19 September nomination deadline, we will publish on this same webpage the candidates' statements (500 words maximum). If the candidate wishes to provide additional material, there can also be a single link to a candidate's external web page or site where more information is available. There is no limitation on the length or content of any material -- written, video, etc. -- which is accessible via the linked page.
Video statement at Business Meeting
Candidates are encouraged to attend the Business Meeting starting at 10 am local time on 26 September, during the ILDA Conference. They will be able to make a statement of up to 3 minutes to the ILDA Members present at the meeting.
If a Board candidate cannot attend, there are two choices:
1) They can submit a video file (MP4 or MOV format) to be played at the meeting. In this video, the candidate must speak for themselves, to the camera. There can be no other persons, shots or edits -- it is a personal statement, the equivalent of standing up in person at a meeting. The maximum time for the video is 3 minutes. The video file must be provided to the Executive Director at least 48 hours before the start of the Business Meeting. ILDA is not responsible if the video file is unable to be played due to technical issues.
2) For 2024, ILDA may stream the Business Meeting via Zoom or similar. If this is done, an absent candidate can speak directly via Zoom, for up to 3 minutes. If the candidate has already submitted a video as per choice #1 above, they can speak online via Zoom instead. ILDA cannot guarantee that there will be a working Zoom link, so the candidate may want to submit a video as per choice #1 above as a backup.
Note: Descriptions of the Board election and other procedures are subject to change. In case of any disagreement between the descriptions on this webpage, and the most-current version of the ILDA Bylaws, the Bylaws take precedence.
The following instructions tell Board members when and how to get onto the monthly Zoom meetings.
Board Zoom meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 pm, Orlando local time.
For January 2022, the Board meeting will be on the third Wednesday (January 19) at the same time as above.
For March 2022, the Board meeting will also be on the third Wednesday (March 16) at the same time as above.
For November 2022, the Board meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at the same time as above.
We may send out reminders, but ultimately it is each Board member’s responsibility to mark this as a recurring event and to try to keep the time free.
The “master clock” for the meeting is 1:30 pm Orlando (Eastern - same as New York).
In the spring and fall, remember that U.S. Daylight Saving Time starts and ends on different dates than in other countries. Therefore, you should double-check before each meeting to ensure you are calling in at 1:30 pm Orlando time.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 2469 1276
Passcode: 098147
(Note: The Waiting Room is enabled. You will not be able to participate unless you are a Board member or are otherwise authorized. This means you may have to wait in the Waiting Room until we let you into the Zoom meeting.
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Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 864 2469 1276
Passcode: 098147
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