Permission to reprint from ILDA’s website

The text and photos here at ILDA's website are either copyrighted by ILDA, or are copyrighted by others who have given ILDA permission to use their work.

If you would like to use any text and/or photos from ILDA's website, you need to first write to ILDA to get written permission. You can then use the material according to the terms of the written agreement.

Reprint/usage conditions

Generally, we will permit usage when all three of these conditions are met:

1. A credit line is given to ILDA (or the original creator). Here is an example:

Photo ©2017, International Laser Display Association. Used by written permission. All rights reserved.

2. The website, brochure, ad etc. is being used by a current ILDA member, or an ILDA-approved third-party such as another association or a news organization.

3. Permission is obtained in advance, in writing, from ILDA. If you do not have written permission, you do not have permission.

How to get reprint/usage permission

If you want to use material from this website, write to ILDA's Executive Director. Describe the material requested (a webpage URL is very helpful), your intended use, your intended audience, length of time the material will appear, and any other facts to help us understand your request. We will write back to let you know if we give permission.

For more information, visit our other ILDA websites:

Stacks Image 11369 Membership database and event management, including joining ILDA
Stacks Image 11372 Information about safe laser shows, including laws, regulations, checklists, and more

© 2007-2025 International Laser Display Association. All rights reserved. 

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No reproduction of the text or images on ILDA websites is allowed without written permission of ILDA or other copyright holders. "ILDA" and the ILDA logo are trademarks of the International Laser Display Association.

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