When companies or individuals join ILDA, they agree to abide by the Code of Ethics. It requires all Members to treat each other and the public in a fair, safe and professional manner.
If there is a problem, anyone may file an Ethics Complaint against the ILDA Member. The ILDA Ethics Committee reviews and seeks to resolve the complaint, in order to reach a fair settlement.
You may also want to refer to the Code of Business Practice. This is a subset of the Code of Ethics, which gives more detailed requirements and guidance in some specific areas. Because it is a subset, violations of the Code of Business Practice are handled in the same way as violations of the Code of Ethics.
ILDA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 3.
Statement of Code of Ethics
• Members desire to promote cooperative, responsible and ethical application of laser display.
• Members agree to conduct their business in a professional, ethical, safe and courteous manner, and to make a good faith effort to resolve any and all complaints made against them.
• Members agree to respect the goals, desires and objectives of their clients.
• Members agree to observe and obey any and all regulations governing the use of lasers in any country or area in which the member operates.
• No member will knowingly take or receive credit for work done by another member or, through inaction, knowingly allow an incorrect credit to persist.
• Members agree not to make inaccurate or misleading claims in advertising and/or promotion.
• No member will knowingly make inaccurate or slanderous statements about any competitor or through silence lend credibility to statements made by others.
• Members will not misrepresent their capabilities or the capabilities of the medium in general.
• Members agree to keep privileged information obtained by reason of their position in ILDA confidential.
The Code of Ethics was adopted by the general membership of the International Laser Display Association at its annual membership meeting in San Francisco, November 13, 1987.
ILDA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 2.
Violation of Code of Ethics
All occurrences involving member violations or alleged violations of Section 3, Article VI of the Code of Ethics, shall be investigated by the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee shall have the discretion to recommend to the Board of Directors that a Letter of Reprimand by placed in the member's file for a recommended period of time and/or suspension or expulsion of a member for violation of the Codes of Ethics. The Ethics Committee shall propose and the Board of Directors shall ratify the process for handling complaints of ethics violations and for making recommendations to the Board of Directors. The procedure adopted must allow the member notice and an opportunity to be heard.
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