• ILDA Code of Ethics

  • ILDA Code of Ethics

When companies or individuals join ILDA, they agree to abide by the Code of Ethics. It requires all Members to treat each other and the public in a fair, safe and professional manner.

If there is a problem, anyone may file an Ethics Complaint against the ILDA Member. The ILDA Ethics Committee reviews and seeks to resolve the complaint, in order to reach a fair settlement.

You may also want to refer to the Code of Business Practice. This is a subset of the Code of Ethics, which gives more detailed requirements and guidance in some specific areas. Because it is a subset, violations of the Code of Business Practice are handled in the same way as violations of the Code of Ethics.

For more information, visit our other ILDA websites:

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ILDAmember.com: Membership database and event management, including joining ILDA
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LasershowSafety.info: Information about safe laser shows, including laws, regulations, checklists, and more

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