As of April 2019, ILDA's Technical Committee is doing work on the GitLab website. One of the GitLab pages has a list of committee members.
The following are primarily for internal use by Technical Committee members. Any standards listed in this area are draft only (NOT official).
Revision 001, July 2004.
Diffraction gratings are holographic optical elements which diffract a single laser beam into various orders, each representing a beam with a specific direction. As the diffractive optical process in a grating is linearly proportional to the wavelength, a multi-wavelength beam is also split into its individual wavelengths, resulting in each order being split into “n” orders, where “n” is the number of wavelengths of the input beam.
To address the issue of classifying the large variety of available grating patterns and types, the proposed ILDA Grating Standard uses a simple code to precisely define all relevant physical parameters of a grating.
This supports the industry by making standard gratings available regardless of the source manufacturer or vendor, and aids the artists in precisely defining the parameters of a grating to be used with a specific piece of show material.
Revision 003, July 2004
The proposed ISP revisions include the following:
• Clarified wording within ISP-DB25 regarding differential signaling
• Clarified DB-25 tables/explanations with additional cross-referencing
• Clarified color wavelength and use tables
• Added additional information to ISP-TAPE concerning use of hard-drive based ADAT recorders.
Orlando, Nov. 25 2002
Minutes of a Technical Committee meeting, for historical purposes.
Las Vegas, Sept. 23 2004
Notes of a Technical Committee meeting, for historical purposes.
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