Initial ILDA meetings, 1986

The International Laser Display Association (ILDA) was founded in August 1986. The sections below list the Founding Members, and notes from the first two ILDA meetings.


Founding Members

ILDA Founding Members are the original laserists who attended the first organizational meeting in Lake Tahoe in August 1986:

   Len De Benedictis
Entertainment Technologies, Inc.
   Norman Kelly
Evergreen Company
   Tom Gaule
Foresight Visuals
   Mitch Hartmann
   John Tilp
Image Engineering
   Scott Blake
Ion Laser Technology
   Paul Rosenberg
   Dick Collier
   Kevin Ostler
Laser Dreams
   Robert Falbo
   Craig Charbonneau
   Emily Wilson
Laser Fantasy
   Floyd Rollefstad
Laser FX
   Tom McWilliams
   Mike Klein
Laser Ionics
   Bill Smith
Laser Light Systems
   Clay Davis
Laser Media, Inc.
   Ron Goldstein
   Seiji Inatsugu
   Barbara Inatsugu
Laser Productions Network (LaserNet)
   Tom Harman
   Fred Read
Laser Spectacles
   Tim Walsh
Laser Rays Inc.
   Pat Bishoff
   Pat Dugan
   Joe Gerlach
Laseron Lighting
   Ron Polloch
Lone Star Lasers
   Walt Meador
Peachtree Laser
   Jim Martin
Roctronics Lighting and Special Effects
   Dr. Richard Iacobucci
Science Faction Corp. (SFC)
   Dick Sandhaus
   Mike Scott
Stage Sound
   Todd Rogers
tarm SLL Technik GmbH
   Martin Poettge
   Frank Gibeau
Werner Communications
   Mike Werner

Here is a note we received in November 2010 from an ILDA Founding Member:

Dear Sirs:

I found my name on this page.

Yes, I like to remember this days in Lake Tahoe. It was my first trip to the US anyway. I remember that I drove by car from LA to Tahoe with Seiji and Barbara Inatsugu from Lasermedia. A long and nice ride. Barbara saw falling snow for the first time.

The meeting was nice. Ron Goldstein hosted it. Some crazy people there...

Its an honour that you still keep this list on your site. Best wishes from Germany to ILDA....

Best Regards from Ruhrcity - European Capital of Culture 2010

Martin Poettgen


August 1986 founding meeting

ILDA's first meeting took place August 15-16, 1986 in Lake Tahoe, on the Nevada/California border. Below are edited notes taken by Tim Walsh of Laser Spectacles, who attended the meeting. Text in italics was added by Tim in November 2006.

Tim also provided audio files recorded at the first meeting: Track 1 and Track 2.

For more information on ILDA's first year, see the ILDA history & timeline page; scroll down to 1986.


November 1986 East Coast meeting

The first-ever meeting of laserists was held in Lake Tahoe in August 1986. Some of the East Coast laserists came back home and scheduled an East Coast organizational meeting for November 21-22, 1986. Below is a list of the attendees, courtesy Daniel Cohn of Technological Artisans.

Those who were also at the first ILDA meeting at Lake Tahoe are marked with an asterisk(*).

Audio Visual Imagineering
   Joanne McCullough
   Ward Davis
   Aron Bacs
   Len De Benedictis*
   Paul Crosby
   Richard Drake
Cooper Laser Sonics
   Alan Del Gaudio
DnA Creations, Inc.
   Don Dorsey
Eve Ritscher Associates Ltd.
   Eve Ritscher
Evergreen Company
   Tom Gaule*
Foresight Visuals
   Mitch Hartmann*
   John Tilp*
I4iashreng [?] of Mid America
   Craig L. Routt
Image Engineering
   Scott Blake*
   Eric Eisack
   Glen Heinmiller
   Walter Gundy
   Jennifer Morris
   Paul Braiman
Ion Laser Technology
   Paul Rosenberg*
Laser Artistry
   Terry Michaels
Laser Burst Creations
   Frank D. Eriquez
Laser Creations (London)
   Chris Matthews
Laserlite, Inc.
   Kevin McCarthy
Laser Efx (Quebec)
   Warren Torn
   Charles Passarelli
   Paul S. Cahill
Laser Fantasy
   Floyd Rollefstad*
   Steve Heminover
Laser Ionics
   Rick Stevenson
Laser Media, Inc.
   Ed Auswacks
   Ron Goldstein*
   Seiji Inatsugu*
   Barbara Inatsugu*
   Rob Mishica
   Dean Sadamune
Laser Production Network (LaserNet)
   Fred Read*
Laser Resale
   Tom Van Duyne
Lone Star Lasers
   Walt Meador*
Peachtree Laser
   Jim Martin*
Roctronics Lighting & Special Effects
   Dr. Richard Iacobucci*
Science Faction Corporation (SFC)
   Dick Sandhaus*
Stage Sound
   Todd Rogers
Technological Artisans
   Daniel Cohn
   Diane P. Burley
My Image

This photo was taken at the first ILDA Technical Committee meeting, held at the Boston headquarters of Image Engineering (IEC) in November 1986. L-R: Seiji Inatsugu, Laser Media; Fred Fenning, IEC; Victor Young, IEC; Stephen Heminover, Laser Fantasy (this can be read on the tag on his shirt pocket); Aron Bacs, Audio-Visual Imagineering; Eric Eisack, IEC; unidentified; John Tilp, Laser Images Inc. (Laserium); Terry Michaels, Laser Artistry. Photo courtesy Jennifer Morris, IEC.

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