The International Laser Display Association (ILDA) was founded in August 1986. The sections below list the Founding Members, and notes from the first two ILDA meetings.
ILDA Founding Members are the original laserists who attended the first organizational meeting in Lake Tahoe in August 1986:
Here is a note we received in November 2010 from an ILDA Founding Member:
Dear Sirs:
I found my name on this page.
Yes, I like to remember this days in Lake Tahoe. It was my first trip to the US anyway. I remember that I drove by car from LA to Tahoe with Seiji and Barbara Inatsugu from Lasermedia. A long and nice ride. Barbara saw falling snow for the first time.
The meeting was nice. Ron Goldstein hosted it. Some crazy people there...
Its an honour that you still keep this list on your site. Best wishes from Germany to ILDA....
Best Regards from Ruhrcity - European Capital of Culture 2010
Martin Poettgen
ILDA's first meeting took place August 15-16, 1986 in Lake Tahoe, on the Nevada/California border. Below are edited notes taken by Tim Walsh of Laser Spectacles, who attended the meeting. Text in italics was added by Tim in November 2006.
Tim also provided audio files recorded at the first meeting: Track 1 and Track 2.
For more information on ILDA's first year, see the ILDA history & timeline page; scroll down to 1986.
I'm sitting in the Austin Airport for a flight to Reno in an hour. There I'll rent a car and drive to Lake Tahoe, where the first Laserist's Convention will be held. Actually the gathering is going under the name Laser Entertainment Professionals. It was called for officially in the form of a letter to all laser entertainment professionals. I've decided to go because it's the first one, and I'm curious/interested/excited about what will happen there.
I wrote without thinking "can decide" and then scratched it out 3 lines up. My subconscious must be going to decide something on the data gathered at this gathering of laserists.
It would be fun to see the results of "lase-offs" (or "festivals") after a few years:
1 LASER - Power Output Classes
2 LASERS - "
3 LASERS - "
4 LASERS - "
Time limitations
Any music
To help bring the art to second plateau, to increase public awareness of the art as an art form.
This was a good place to meet, with a good sized meeting room (8 ft ceiling). It was decided that we should all pull the tables and chairs into a big square, so everyone was seated facing one another, not all in one direction. It was a good situation for spontaneity! Ron led the meeting to start; first we listed all of the items we wanted to cover. Emily from Laser Dreams volunteered to write everything down on the “white board” while the ideas flowed. I switched on a small portable cassette recorder and recorded until my tape ran out.
ethical business standards
quality shows
Market Overview
Mission Statement
Requirements to join Organization
National Directory/Publication
Labor Pool
Review of Performance Standards
Assoc. Name
Pooling Resources
Big Shows for Convention
Common Vendors
Gross Sales
Then, we started right in and plowed through everything – this was a fast, productive meeting
To Advance and Promote the Professional Applications of Laser Display:
By maintaining standards of safety and performance
By promoting a better understanding between laser display professionals and the CDRH
By servicing the entertainment and communications industries
By increasing public awareness
By fostering new technology
By promoting advancement of laser artistry
International Association of Laser Display IALD
International Laser Display Professionals ILDP
Society of Laser Display Professionals SLDP
Chosen: ILDA - International Laser Display Association
CDRH - New Regs (Walt Meador)
Aug 20
- 7 mm to 50mm for audience scanning
- remote emission indicator must be on control panel (of shutter system)
- manual restart if power interupted
- scan safeguard if goes to a dot
-short notices
-complicated reports
-quality control w/reports
-renegade operators
Collaborate on safety training manual
Mitch Hartman
Fred Reed
Jim Martin (Peachtree Laser)
Dean Sedume (LaserMedia L.S.O.)
will check into:
- Standardizing Notification Forms
- Safety Standard and Certifying Operator
- Samples of Everyone's paperwork
- Find out How CDRH Works
Louis Brill offered to do it, includes CDRH column
The Scanner" suggested title
Ron Goldstein, President
Walt Meador - Secretary
Tim Walsh - Treasurer
I will note that, while I was elected treasurer (pretty much I volunteered as no one else was responding), Ron Goldstein made it immediately clear that there was no way he would allow any ILDA funds to pass through my hands (as he did not know me, and I was a “little guy” in the laser show world), so everyone was directed to send their money in to Walt Meador, Secretary.
3 Categories:
- Corporate - Voting $500
- Affiliate - non-voting, lower fee $250
- Individual - voting $100
Membership Fee
Document Signing - Code of Ethics
Fees: - Newsletter - cost of first one
tie corporate fee to gross sales?
Subscriber membership?
Press release to publications
-announce formation
-location of next meeting
list publications
hire a publicist
ILDA sends out packets or generic info on light shows
large laser show for world cause
-donate airfreight
-venue donated
-cover expenses
list of commonly asked questions by clients
Scanners: General Scanning
- specific complaints from technical people
trading images - format?
Change G100PD 15-pin connectors to 10-12 pin
-Voltage sent to driver (+-5 volts)
Image Engineering Video Recorder System Controls:
- 2 XY scanners
- 6 modulators
- 8 on-off switches
- stereo hi-fi
- Slide cues
Technical Committee:
- LaserMedia
- Image Engineering
- Foresight
- Laser Dream
$5,000,000 - cost $12,000 last year, $100,000 this year
include insurance in membership requirements
GROSS SALES - $11,171,000 business done last year
send information to Scott Blake at Image Engineering to be in labor pool list
send lists of hardware to Emily at Laser Dreams
send dues to Walt
This night several laserists and companies who brought in equipment set their stuff up, and we all hung out and enjoyed each other’s company. In retrospect, this must have been the first “lase-off”!
Each person had a chance to get the floor to themselves and discuss what they were showing.
One of the highlights of the evening was a Laser Media projector (single color – red) playing back a piece created by Image Engineering. This was coordinated between the two companies to demonstrate that standards and cooperation were possible.
Thoughts on the demos I saw:
Image Engineering - very nice stunning display. I was disappointed that the blanking wasn't perfect. - the consequences of using dichroic mirrors for splitting and recombining the beam cases a problem of differing beam sized per color when recombined. So you see a line, meant to be white, composed of a narrow red and a fat green and blue lines. It may sound minor but the key to superiority is contained in these details.
Foresight - These are the guys with the SAGE/STRID based animation. Has full digital real-time 3D rotation,, with the beginnings of hidden line blanking in the 3D rotation. The blanking was not perfect here either. But in the analog stuff it was. I would say these were the most impressive graphics.
LaserMedia - some of the most "trippy" and "sparkly. Lasermedia has hired Disney animators and uses them. Each frame is done by hand. Some obvious blanking mistakes - lines not connected, etc. Totally the same, every time. No buttons to push at all. Period.
Laser Dreams - Presented on an oscilloscope, this Commodore 64 system shows promise for a basic animation system. The images were noisy, however, and the low quality KOALA pad images they showed were not inspiring.
Roctronics - Unfortunately, I missed Richard's demonstration.
The first-ever meeting of laserists was held in Lake Tahoe in August 1986. Some of the East Coast laserists came back home and scheduled an East Coast organizational meeting for November 21-22, 1986. Below is a list of the attendees, courtesy Daniel Cohn of Technological Artisans.
Those who were also at the first ILDA meeting at Lake Tahoe are marked with an asterisk(*).
This photo was taken at the first ILDA Technical Committee meeting, held at the Boston headquarters of Image Engineering (IEC) in November 1986. L-R: Seiji Inatsugu, Laser Media; Fred Fenning, IEC; Victor Young, IEC; Stephen Heminover, Laser Fantasy (this can be read on the tag on his shirt pocket); Aron Bacs, Audio-Visual Imagineering; Eric Eisack, IEC; unidentified; John Tilp, Laser Images Inc. (Laserium); Terry Michaels, Laser Artistry. Photo courtesy Jennifer Morris, IEC.
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