• Rules for the Laser Jockey competition

  • Rules for the Laser Jockey competition

Purpose and format

The purpose of this competition is to find the best live laser jockey at the 2024 ILDA Conference.

Entrants must be current ILDA Members at the time of the competition. Entrants either must be registered for the full ILDA Conference, or must have paid the attendance fee for the Lase-Off/Laser Jockey event. The event will take place as part of the Lase-Off evening on Thursday 26 September.

During the Lase-Off, each Laser Jockey entrant will perform for a maximum of 3 minutes, to music provided by ILDA. This will be music "with a beat" such as techno. The music will be selected from more obscure or lesser-known songs. The entrant will not know the music selection in advance.


All persons in the room who have paid to attend (as full Conference registrants or for the Lase-Off/Laser Jockey event) are eligible to vote, except for the entrants. ILDA will provide a voting form. For each performance, voters will give a single numeric score from 0 to 5 points. It is up to each voter as to what this score represents (artistry, creativity, musicality, overall impact, etc.).

After the performances are completed, the voting forms are collected. For each performance, the points are totaled. The entrants with the top three point totals are awarded First, Second and Third Place.

In case of a tie, a coin will be flipped to determine placement. This is because the trophies are already manufactured prior to the Conference; the only engraving is for First, Second and Third Place.

For more information, visit our other ILDA websites:

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ILDAmember.com: Membership database and event management, including joining ILDA
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LasershowSafety.info: Information about safe laser shows, including laws, regulations, checklists, and more

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Photo: Kyle Garner and Tim Walsh at the 2014 Laser Jockey competition; photo by Patrick Murphy, ILDA