• 2013 ILDA Awards

Don't You Worry Child by Lightline Lasertechnik

Presented November 6 at the 2013 ILDA Conference held in Aalen, Germany, hosted by LOBO electronic

The ILDA Awards are the laser display industry's equivalent of Hollywood's Oscars. Each year, they honor companies and individuals from around the world for their achievements. These awards were bestowed at the 2013 ILDA Conference:

     • The Artistic Awards cover virtually all aspects of modern laser displays, from the creation of individual laser graphics to the production of huge outdoor shows.

     • The Technical Awards, named for pioneering laserist Fred Fenning, honor technological achievements that advance the industry.

     • Outstanding Service Recognition for companies and individuals who have provided exceptional service to ILDA.

     • The Special Achievement Award was created in June 2013. It is given for significant achievements that are not already sufficiently covered by existing ILDA Award categories. It does not have to be given every year.

     • The Career Achievement Award is ILDA's highest honor, given for work spanning many years in the area of show quality, innovation, and industry service.

Booklet with details

For more details on the winners, download the 2013 ILDA Awards booklet (PDF format). The booklet lists all winners and includes a photo from each winning artwork, plus credits and a description of the work.

Videos on YouTube

Most First Place artistic winners, and a few Second Place winners, are available on YouTube. Click for a playlist of the 2013 ILDA Artistic Award winners.

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