New Talent Entry Form success

Your Entry Form has been successfully submitted. Don’t forget that you must also 1) upload your video files below and 2) go to the Other payments page and pay the entry processing fee ($10 for one entry, $25 for two, or $50 for three).


Deadline: The deadline for submission is Sunday, 31 July 2016 by 12:00 noon Orlando time. This means the files must be finished uploading by that time. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. ILDA is not responsible for any delays caused by uploading or Internet problems. Entries arriving past the deadline will not be further processed, and any entry processing fees paid will not be returned.

Video requirements:
     • MP4 or MOV format
     • Duration 4 minutes or less
     • Full HD resolution (1080i/p) or less
     • File size 300 MB or less
     • Name the video file with your name and your show title (e.g. “Jane Smith - Laser“) This is important; it is the only way we can associate your uploaded file with your name.
     • The video must depict real lasers, recorded with a camera, camcorder or smartphone. No laser simulators, preview windows, or computer graphics.
     • The video must show one take, shot from a single vantage point. Cuts are allowed if needed to shorten the video.
     • If your entry requires further explanation, please do so as a voiceover or a personal explanation before the actual performance starts. Including your explanation, the video must not exceed an overall duration of four minutes.
     • No superimposed content. This means no titles, no graphics, no logos etc. Just the laser footage (and optional explanation).

Entry limits: Maximum of three entries (3 separate video files) per person.

Upload video files

Now, upload your files to a filesharing service such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive. Then email to ILDA with the link where we can download your files. After downloading, we will email back to you, so you know that we have successfully received your files.

To select files for uploading, drag-and-drop them onto the cloud icon, or use the “Select Files” button. After selecting all files, remember to click the “Upload” button!


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