• Vote for the 2019 Laser Photography Award

  • Vote for the 2019 Laser Photography Award

2018 First Place winner: ”Angel” by KVANT. Contrast lowered so headline letters stand out.

2018 First Place, Laser Photography: “Angel” by KVANT. Contrast lowered so headline letters stand out.

The deadline for voting for the 2019 ILDA Laser Photography Awards has passed. Thanks to everyone who entered. We have notified winners and non-winners. The public announcement of the ILDA Award winners will be November 10 2019, at the ILDA Conference in Orlando.

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This chart shows how many votes were cast by ILDA Members (who voted online by email) for the 29 Laser Photography entries. To keep the voting results anonymous, the entries have been given a letter identifier in descending order of votes, from Entry A — the winner of course — to Entry AC which did not receive any votes.

The remainder of this page is left for reference, even though the deadline to vote has already passed.

How to vote

All current 2019 ILDA Members, including Student Members, are eligible to vote for the 2019 Laser Photography Award.

Look through all 29 photos below. Click on any image to see a larger-sized view and a description supplied by the entrant. Choose your top three favorites.

  • To vote, send an email to a special ILDA address, photo-vote@laserist.org. In the email, include your ILDA Member name (company or individual), your name, and your choice for First Place, for Second Place, and for Third Place. This is a sample email:
TO: photo-vote@laserist.org
FROM: jdoe@doerayme.com

Hi, here is the Laser Photography vote for Doe-Ray-Me Lasers Inc.
First Place: Summerbreeze Laser Beams
Second Place: Tremendous Concert
Third Place: Symphony in Coherence

Thank you!

— Jane Doe
DEADLINE: Voting opens on Tuesday June 4 2019 and closes on Tuesday June 18, 2019. Votes must be sent by 11:59 pm, your local time, on June 18. (Note: You can also vote for the Career Achievement Award during the same period; this will be a different email which goes to a different address.)

Vote for Laser Photography Award entries only once per ILDA Membership. If we receive more than one Laser Photography voting email from an ILDA Member, only the first email received will be counted.

For this reason, if you have more than one person in your ILDA Membership (e.g., in your company), select one person to send in your Laser Photography email votes.
Note for phones: Phones held horizontally may cut off part of the larger-sized view. For this reason, we do not recommend that you judge the entries on a phone held horizontally.

2019 Laser Photography entries
Choose your First, Second and Third favorites

2019 Laser Photography entries
Choose your First, Second and Third favorites

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