2009 ILDA Awards

Presented June 7 at the 2009 ILDA Conference in Amsterdam, hosted by DMXLASER.

(Note that there were no 2008 ILDA Awards. The previous awards were the 2007 Awards: entry deadline Dec. 2007, judged in spring 2008 and presented at the Sept. 2008 ILDA Conference on the Carnival Imagination. The 2009 Awards had an entry deadline in Jan. 2009, they were judged in May 2009 and were presented June 7 2009 in Amsterdam. For more information on why there are no awards called "2008", click here.)

ILDA's awards for excellence -- the laser display industry's equivalent of Hollywood's Oscars --each year honor companies and individuals from around the world for their achievements:

     • The Artistic Award categories cover virtually all aspects of modern laser displays, from the production of huge outdoor shows to the creation of individual laser graphics.

     • The Fenning Award honors technological achievement that advances the industry.

     • The Career Achievement Award is ILDA's highest honor, given for work spanning many years in the area of show quality, innovation, and industry service.

For 2009, ILDA received 112 artistic entries from 19 different Member companies. These entries were judged May 24 2009 at the judging host company, Lighting Systems Design Inc. (Greg Makhov) in Orlando Florida. Judging coordinator was ILDA Executive Director Patrick Murphy.

For more details, download a PDF document with the Artistic Award winners. This includes a photo from each winning artwork, plus credits and a description of the work. We also have an expanded version with photos and descriptions of all Artistic Award entries received (e.g., both winners and non-winners).

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