Future City by LOBO
The ILDA Awards are the laser display industry's equivalent of Hollywood's Oscars. Each year, they honor companies and individuals from around the world for their achievements. These awards were bestowed at the 2016 ILDA Conference:
• The Artistic Awards cover virtually all aspects of modern laser displays, from the creation of individual laser graphics to the production of huge outdoor shows.
• The Technical Awards, named for pioneering laserist Fred Fenning, honor technological achievements that advance the industry.
• The Career Achievement Award is ILDA's highest honor, given for work spanning many years in the area of show quality, innovation, and industry service.
In addition, ILDA announced Tobias Zeides as winner of the first New Talent search contest. This is not an ILDA Award, but does provide a trophy to the person creating the best laser show entered in the contest, which is open to non-ILDA members.
Booklet with details
For more details on the winners, download the 2016 ILDA Awards booklet (PDF format). The booklet lists all winners and includes a photo from each winning artwork, plus credits and a description of the work.
Videos of each of the winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd) are available on YouTube. Links are below, in the list of winners. You can also go to the ILDA YouTube channel playlist and click on the “2016 Award Winners” playlist.
Video compilation
If you want to get a quick overview of all of the winners, below is a video compilation of the 2016 Award winners. This 23-minute video contains short excerpts from each Award-winning entry. Note that one of the videos is silent; its audio track was removed due to copyright claims.
Judging Coordinator
Brad Billet
Mark Edgar
Hank Eskin
Dan Goldsmith
All video winners can be seen on YouTube. For first place winners, click on the picture to play the YouTube video. For second and third place winners, click on the show name link to play the YouTube video in a new window.
1st: “Future City”, LOBO (video above, and video excerpt at top of this page)
2nd: “Unstoppable”, Theo Petrides
3rd: "Empire State of Mind”, LaserAnimation SOLLINGER
1st: “Toccata”, VisuTek e.U. (video above)
2nd: “Explosive”, VisuTek e.U.
3rd: “Happy Beams”, Dream Laser
1st: “Africa Happy”, Christopher Short (video above)
2nd: "Abstract Days”, Christopher Short. Note — the linked YouTube video might have its audio track removed due to copyright restrictions.
3rd: “Uptown Funk”, Christopher Short
1st: “NV’s Wicked Halloween“, Dynamic Lasers (video above)
2nd: “Skrillex EU Tour”, KVANT Ltd.
3rd: “Escapade Music Festival”, LaserTech Canada
1st: “Faithless: EU Tour", ER Productions (video above)
2nd: "Kygo: Cloud Nine World Tour", ER Productions
3rd: “ProLight and Sound 2015“, KVANT Ltd. Note — the linked YouTube video might have part or all of its audio track removed due to copyright restrictions.
1st: "Zedd - True Colors Tour, T-Mobile LiveStream", Richard Gonsalves (video above)
2nd: “X Factor Final 2015”, ER Productions
3rd: “Opening City Arena - Trnava“, KVANT Ltd.
1st: “Windows 10 Hero Image Filmed Elements“, Future Weapons (video above)
2nd: “Take You Away - Music Video“, Illuminatus Lasers
3rd: “Samsung Galaxy Product Launch”, Future Weapons
1st: “Heartbeat of the Murray”, Laservision (video above)
2nd: “Palladio”, Visual Sensation Laser Shows and Technologies
3rd: “Sinfonia Degli Elementi”, Merlin Schaadt
1st: “Deep Web“, LaserAnimation SOLLINGER (video above)
2nd: “Inspired by Dali“, LaserNet
3rd: “Fine Art Gallery“, Orion-Art Multimedia
1st: “On Your Wavelength“, ER Productions (video above)
2nd: “BOSCH”, LOBO
3rd: “New Interactive Laserman”, KVANT Ltd.
Winners selected by ILDA Members viewing photos online and voting via email
1st: “Vortex”, Dan Goldsmith
2nd: “The Sound of Gravity”, Christopher Short
3rd: “Alpha Sphere”, LOBO
Performed live, and judged by attendees, at the ILDA Conference's Lase-Off, November 7 2016 in Baltimore
1st: Derek Garbos, LaserTech Canada
2nd: Michal Pokluda, Showtacle
3rd: Tim Walsh, Laser Spectacles
Judging Coordinator
Kelly Sticksel
Walt Meador
Rob Mudryk
Kelly Sticksel
All three tech winners can be seen on YouTube. For the first place winner, click on the picture to play the YouTube video. For the second and third place winners, click on the entry name link to play the YouTube video in a new window.
1st: “BEYOND 2.1 Laser Show Control and Multimedia Software”, Pangolin Laser Systems (video above)
BEYOND 2.1 is a revolutionary laser show and multimedia control software, that helps users to easily combine laser, video, audio, lighting and more; for fully synchronized multimedia shows. The software is unique in many ways, as listed in the 2016 ILDA Awards Booklet (pages 55-56).
2nd: “FB4 Laser Control Hardware”, Pangolin Laser Systems
FB4 is a customizable laser controller hardware solution from Pangolin, which is integrated directly into a laser projector. It features removable SD memory and a custom OLED display, offering control of projector parameters including geometric correction, color adjustment/correction, safety settings, startup settings and more.
3rd: "Lixel RGB“, Lightwave International
Lixel RGB is a patented high-power laser batten with individually controllable RGB sources designed to link end-to-end, or in two dimensions to create laser video walls. Lixel is controlled by DMX, video input, and many custom analog and digital interfaces.
In 1980 Alexander Timofeyev graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering high school majoring in Optoelectronics & Lasers where he was engaged in scientific work. He subsequently published over 50 laser-related research works and has 12 USSR Certificates of Invention (patents), as well as international patents.
In 1995 he began work in laser display, helping develop outdoor laser advertising using acousto-optics to create bitmap images. He received the highest award at the Brussels Salon of Innovations: Eureka 1996.
Shortly after that, Alexander became the со-founder and Chief Manager of Laser Show Systems Company (Moscow), which had become the largest company in the field of laser show systems at that time. It was the first company in Russia to integrate latest technologies and ILDA standards to the show technology represented on Russian Market. In 1998 he began participating in the ILDA Conferences.
In 2003 Alexander became co-owner and general producer of Orion-Art Production International. In 2009 he became owner and CEO of Orion-Art Multimedia. The company is now one of the leading Russian companies in the field of laser and multimedia shows.
From the very beginning of his work in the laser display industry, he has been striving to improve the quality of laser graphics and animation. Orion-Art began submitting their works for the ILDA Awards in 2004. Since then they have won 47 ILDA awards: 28 of them are the first and/or second prizes in the Laser Graphics, Beams & Screens, Lasershows, and Multimedia Show categories.
In 2008 he was elected as a board member of the International Laser Association (LAS-Russia). Until 2011 he was heading the LAS' Department of Applied Laser Technologies in display systems, advertising and show-business. He was the first in Russia to introduce mandatory laser safety training and certification of technical staff working with lasers at laser displays.
The 2011 ILDA Conference in Moscow, hosted by Orion-Art, was acknowledged as one of the most interesting and successful in the history of ILDA, and gained a few new ILDA members from Russia.
Alexander Timofeyev believes that one of the key areas of his work is introducing new products and ILDA standards to the Russian market, maintaining the principles of ILDA ethics in working with partners, and compliance with ILDA safety standards.
Voted by the ILDA Membership, via email ballots in August 2016
Above: Dr. Alexander Timofeyev accepts the Career Achievement Award. Photo by Mike Gould.
Below is the speech given by Dr. Timofeyev at the ILDA Awards Banquet and Presentation, November 8 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Dear colleagues, partners and friends!
It is a great honor for me to receive this award. I consider it not only as a recognition of my personal achievements in the laser show industry, but more so as a recognition of the professionalism of Russian companies and Russian designers.
I began the membership in ILDA since 1998, as the founder and producer of Laser Show Systems Company. However, we did not submit our works to the ILDA Awards until 2004. To get to where we are today, we learned from our more experienced and renowned colleagues, and we searched for our own excellence in the art of laser graphics and animations. Once we found it, we raised a number of talented artists, designers, and creators of interesting works. With our company, Orion-Art, we received already 47 awards in the artistic categories, 28 of which are first or second place. To me, this is a recognition of the success of the Russian laser design school.
In the end of the 1990s, it became clear to me in what direction it was necessary to improve the laser show industry in Russia. Consequently, this new stage of modern laser show we opened in Russia, according to latest technologies used worldwide.
In subsequent years, we actively developed this direction, and nearly all new laser show companies in Russia followed in our steps using these new technologies.
Since 2003 we were the first company in Russia that was engaged in production of multimedia shows using water equipment, video, and special effects. These works have also received many ILDA awards.
An important step for us was the hosting of the ILDA Conference in Moscow in 2011, which was recognized as one of the most successful and interesting conferences in the history of ILDA.
I would like to thank the members of ILDA, who made their choice in favor of me to receive this prestigious CA Award. A big thanks to my colleagues working in the company, Orion-Art Multimedia, as well as to my partners in Russia and other countries for their assistance and support in the implementation of many major projects.
I would also like to thank my wife, Masha, for the love and encouragement that she has always given me. She supported me all the way in the world of the laser show industry.
Once again, I am extremely grateful and honored to be the recipient of this prestigious award. Thank you.
In 2016, ILDA received 240 artistic and technical entries from 44 different Member companies.
Judging dates
• Most of the artistic entries were judged May 16-17 2016 in Newark, Delaware by a three-member panel that met for a long day and night of review and voting.
• Photography entries were judged by ILDA Members voting online, May 29 - June 13 2016.
• Fenning technical entries were judged via online discussion of a three-member panel that reached its decision June 14 2016.
• The Career Achievement Award winner was chosen by ILDA Members voting online August 5-19 2016.
• The ILDA New Talent search was judged online by an international panel of 10 judges that reached its decision September 28 2016.
• Laser Jockey entries were viewed and judged by attendees at the Lase-Off during the ILDA Conference on November 7 2016.
Judges’ scores
The 2016 Artistic judges rated each entry according to four factors: technical competency, artistic competency, quality and variety of effects, and music sync. These were used by the judges in making their final choice of winners.
Below is some information about the entries' scores. This may be of interest to persons who submitted in 2016, as well as those submitting for future Awards:
• The Judges' Rating Spreadsheet lists all of the Artistic Award entries, and the ratings they received from the judges. (For this public version, the show names and entrant names have been removed.) The most important column is "AVG. SCORE". This has been color coded, so that green means an entry received an above-average rating, yellow indicates an average rating, and orange & red indicate below-average ratings. The Average Score is used to help determine the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. (Some entries were disqualified due to safety concerns, which would then move up non-disqualified entries.)
Members who entered the 2016 Awards were emailed their row numbers and entry names. They can match this with the row numbers in the anonymous Judges Rating Spreadsheet, so the Member will know how his or her entries did, relative to others in the same category.
• The ILDA Award Entry Scores chart shows the judges’ scores for each entry. This data is also present in the spreadsheet, but is being shown graphically in a chart format.
Judge 1’s scores are color-coded in blue, Judge 2’s scores in red, and Judge 3’s scores in green. Each tick mark at the bottom represents one entry. Entries are grouped by categories; a dotted vertical line separates each category. Within a category, entries are sorted left-to-right based on their total scores (average of all three judges).
This chart shows how the scores varied within a category. The steeper the diagonal line within a category, the wider the range between the top and bottom scoring entries. The chart also shows whether judges’ scores for any one entry were fairly close — most were — or whether a judge might have a higher or lower score than the other two judges.
ILDA is looking for outstanding new talents in the laser entertainment industry by dedicating a special honor for exceptional creative achievement of new talents outside its membership. Every non-ILDA member is invited to enter a video of up to four minutes. An international jury then selects the winner. This is not an ILDA Award; it is a separate trophy.
Judging Coordinator
Alex Hennig
Abdulwahab Baghdadi, Adam Burns, Theo Dari, Tom Harman, Alex Hennig, Marco Hoyer, Dr. Pavol Kubošek, Dr. Ian Powell, Dr. Alexander Timofeyev, and Tim Walsh
Tobias won for his entry I, Frankenstein. He receives recognition as the 2016 New Talent search winner, a one-year ILDA Membership, the New Talent star trophy, and free admission to the ILDA Awards Banquet to receive his trophy.
Click on the video to play Tobias’s winning entry “I, Frankenstein”
ILDA requires its Members to perform safe and legal laser shows, and to acknowledge basic principles of laser show safety.
Beginning with the 2014 Awards, all entrants submitting videos have explicitly certified that their laser effects depicted met safety standards, as well as all applicable laser safety laws and regulations (including laws for audience scanning) in the location where the show was performed.
• Entries filmed in a studio, with no audience, can use any power and can scan anywhere, even if the original show was intended for an audience.
• However, if the video depicts an audience watching the laser show, or has lasers near performers, then the show must be safe for the audience and performers, and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Documentation must be provided to ILDA about the show’s irradiance at the point of closest audience access, and any other safety measures that were implemented.
• The above documentation is also required if an entry depicts beams in an area where an audience might be, such as an empty tradeshow floor or an empty auditorium. This is because a video of unsafe beams in an audience area gives an impression that the same show would be run with an audience present.
Since 2014, ILDA has reviewed every entry for any potential safety issues.
ILDA has the right to remove or disqualify an entry if, in our sole opinion, 1) the show violates or appears to violate safety standards, laws and/or regulations, and/or 2) the show does not have sufficient documentation of safety and legal compliance.
Note that despite ILDA’s review process, ILDA cannot absolutely certify that an Awards entry is safe and legal. This is ultimately the responsibility of the entrant.
IMPORTANT: If you have a laser or a laser projector, do NOT attempt to perform the type of audience-scanning effects seen in ILDA Award-winning videos 1) without qualified expert safety planning and supervision and 2) without prior written permission from appropriate authorities. These authorities may include federal, state and local laser safety regulators, venue operators, and insurance companies.
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