• The May 21 - June 21 ILDA Offline-Connected contest

  • The May 21 -June 21 ILDA Offline-Connected contest

The deadline for entering and voting for the May 21-June 21 2020 ILDA Offline-Connected contest has passed. There were four Graphics entries, and two Abstract entries. Thanks to everyone who entered, and to those who voted. This contest is now closed.

Winners have been privately notified. The public announcement of the winners will be made in November 2020 as described below in the "Viewing entries, voting and awards" section.

The remainder of this page is left for reference.

The "Offline-Connected" contest

ILDA's April-May 2020 "Offline" contest was a big success for beam shows. However, we did not receive many graphics and abstract shows since they take so long to do. Therefore, Awards Committee chair Richard Gonsalves has devised a new contest.

The ILDA "Offline-Connected" contest is for graphics and abstract shows only (no beam shows). Entrants will have one month before the Sunday, June 21, 2020 deadline to submit entries. As before, entries are restricted to using a single XY scanner projector. Entrants can select their own music.

An interesting twist is that the start and end frame of each show will be the same ILDA-specified frame — this one. Doing so will allow ILDA to string the shows together to create one long, unbroken show.

This contest is for anyone, ILDA Members or non-members. Members can submit for free. For non-members, there is a $5 fee per entry which can later be applied towards ILDA Membership if the entrant desires.

Here are a few other rules which are also noted in the official, detailed rules below:

  • There are two separate categories, Graphics and Abstracts. Entrants can submit as many entries as they like, in one or both of the categories.
  • While entrants can select their own music, ILDA suggests using free, public domain music. This is because we want to post entries to YouTube, who will remove or replace copyrighted music. Not only would this affect your entry negatively, it would impair our goal of stringing all entries together as a seamless show.
  • The first and last frames are this frame. Do not apply any changes such as sizing, fades, transitions, effects, different colors, etc. to these start and end frames.
  • We will have an online vote to find the winner. ILDA Members will automatically be emailed ballots. Non-members must apply on or before June 21 to be able to vote. For voting instructions, click on the third blue button "Viewing entries, voting, and awards", and then the second gray button "How to vote for entries".
  • The winner will be announced at the November 2020 ILDA Cloud Conference.
Entrants must read and follow the detailed entry information below.

Entry information

Offline-Connected results

Offline-Connected entries were submitted May 21 to June 21. Voting took place from June 23 through June 30. There were 139 votes cast. Congratulations to the winners!

My Image


Entry "Connected-Grph02", Dreamlaser
Entry "Connected-Grph01", Bas Verstraelen
Entry "Connected-Grph04", Tim Walsh


Entry "Connected-Abs02", Mike Dunn
Entry "Connected-Abs01", David Françus

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ILDA Offline award artwork (above) by Richard Gonsalves