• The April-May 2020 ILDA Offline contest

  • The April-May 2020 ILDA Offline contest

The deadline for entering the April-May 2020 ILDA Offline contest has passed. Thanks to everyone who entered and voted.

The remainder of this page is left for reference, and so you can see the winners of each round, and the "Best of Show" winner.

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The ILDA Offline contest

With laser shows being shut down in spring 2020, and with many of us being required to stay at home, Awards Committee chair Richard Gonsalves proposed that ILDA hold a contest to raise our spirits and give us something fun to do during the crisis. The Board agreed to his idea and sponsorship.

This contest is for anyone, ILDA Members or non-members, to create and submit laser shows set to music chosen by Richard.

Since each show uses the same music, and only one set of X-Y scanners, this makes for an even playing field. Entrants are competing on the quality, variety, and originality of the visuals, and how well they express or go with the music.

General information

Round 1 results

The theme for Round 1 was "Independent Artists." Here are the songs selected for Round 1:

BEAMS/ATMOSPHERICS: Desire by DJ Lord Fader (3:15)
GRAPHICS: Steady Freddy (2016) by Anitek (2:18)
ABSTRACT: Fünf Kameraden (2007) by Conny Olivetti (3:29)

Round 1 entries were submitted March 30 to April 8. Voting took place from April 10 to April 12. There were 250 votes cast during Round 1 voting. Congratulations to the winners!

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Entry "Offline-1B-3": Evaldas Lapėnas

Entry "Offline-1B-6": Jimmy Boucher, ER Productions

Entry "Offline-1B-2": VisuTek e.U. (Programmer: Markus Voggenberger, Laser operator: Helmut Gruber)

Videos of the three Round 1 winners are on this Vimeo page.

Note: In Round 1, only the Beams category had more than one entry, so this was the only category where there was a contest to find a winner.

Round 2 results

The theme for Round 2 was "Symphonic Cinematic." Here are the songs selected for Round 2:

BEAMS/ATMOSPHERICS: Battlecry (Choir Version) by Grégoire Lourme (3:51); alternate download
GRAPHICS: Bravo Tango by FMT (1:31); alternate download
ABSTRACTS: Orchestral Hybrid Dubstep by 2Elephants (2:28); alternate download

Round 2 entries were submitted April 13 to April 22. Voting took place from April 24 to April 26. There were 221 votes cast during Round 2 voting. Congratulations to the winners!

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Entry "Offline-2B-2": VisuTek e.U. (Programmer: Markus Voggenberger, Laser operator: Helmut Gruber)

Entry "Offline-2B-6": Peter Hermanns

Entry "Offline-2B-1": Tobias Höfer

Videos of the three Round 2 winners are on this Vimeo page.

Note: In Round 2, only the Beams category had more than one entry, so this was the only category where there was a contest to find a winner.

Round 3 results

The theme for Round 3 was "Timeless." Here are the songs selected for Round 3:

BEAMS/ATMOSPHERICS: Adagio for strings {Tiesto, Violanza cover} by Ekaterina Miroshnikova (2:14)
GRAPHICS: Sandstorm {Darude, cover} by David Garrett (2:10)
ABSTRACTS: Seven Nation Army {The White Stripes, cover} by 2Cellos (2:37)

Round 3 entries were submitted April 27 to May 6. Voting took place November 17 to 19, just before the ILDA Cloud Conference. There were 144 votes cast during Round 3 voting. Congratulations to the winners!

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Entry "Offline-3B-2": VisuTek e.U. (Programmer: Markus Voggenberger, Laser operator: Helmut Gruber)

Entry "Offline-3B-7": Peter Hermanns

Entry "Offline-3B-4": Anders Edstr
öm, Laserimage AB

Note: In Round 3, only the Beams category had more than one entry, so this was the only category where there was a contest to find a winner.

Final Round

The final round of voting was a "Best in Show" contest among the three First Place winners. This took place at the online 2020 ILDA Cloud Conference on November 21.

Attendees watched the three First Place winners from Rounds 1, 2 and 3. They then voted by email ballot for their favorite entry. There were 54 votes cast during Best in Show voting. Congratulations to VisuTek!

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Best in Show

Entry "Offline-3B-2": VisuTek e.U. (Programmer: Markus Voggenberger, Laser operator: Helmut Gruber)

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ILDA Offline award artwork and photos (above) by Richard Gonsalves